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Bruno Corelli is a Actor Italien born on 20 august 1918

Bruno Corelli

Bruno Corelli
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Nationality Italie
Birth 20 august 1918
Death 17 february 1983 (at 64 years)

Bruno Corelli (20 August 1918 – 17 February 1983) was an Italian actor.

Usually with

(8 films)
Lucio Fulci
Lucio Fulci
(5 films)
Luigi Pavese
Luigi Pavese
(8 films)
(4 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Bruno Corelli (28 films)

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The Two Marshals, 1h39
Directed by Sergio Corbucci
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Themes Political films
Actors Totò, Vittorio De Sica, Gianni Agus, Arturo Bragaglia, Anton Giulio Bragaglia, Francesco Giacobini
Roles avvocato Benegatti
Rating71% 3.5812153.5812153.5812153.5812153.581215
In Italy, during 1943, two men collide during the bombing of the Nazis and American allies. Antonio is a thief who disguises himself as a priest for the robberies at the stations; Vittorio Cotono is a marshal upright who's chasing Antonio, and that in the end, to a misunderstanding, he is forced to do so by Marshal dress. Antonio is excited about the new appointment, and Vittorio meanwhile disguises himself as a priest. In fact the two are persecuted by the Nazis and fascists because they're hiding a Jew woman and an American who is planning the Allied landing.
The Pirate and the Slave Girl
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Action, Adventure, Historical
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Pirate films
Actors Lex Barker, Massimo Serato, Graziella Granata, Luigi Tosi, Bruno Corelli, Gianni Rizzo
Roles Selim
Rating53% 2.6838752.6838752.6838752.6838752.683875
Le Capitaine Diego, est arrêté par le gouverneur de Rhodes en raison de ses dettes et de ses conquêtes féminines au moment où celui-ci apprend qu'un navire de sa flotte a été attaqué et coulé par Dragut le pirate qui y a saisi un message important et capturé Bianca sa fille. Diego propose d échanger sa liberté contre le parchemin et essayer de libérer Bianca…
Toto in Madrid, 1h30
Directed by Steno
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Themes Peinture
Actors Totò, Louis de Funès, Abbe Lane, Mario Carotenuto, Giacomo Furia, Enzo Garinei
Roles le copiste Oriundo
Rating60% 3.0208353.0208353.0208353.0208353.020835
The penniless painter Toto is commissioned by unknown Spanish fraudsters to mirror the famous masterpiece Maja Desnuda by Francisco Goya, with some details. In fact, these thieves have agreed with a rich billionaire who plans to buy the original masterpiece. When Toto discovers that all that was nothing more than a scam, it's too late...
An American in Rome, 1h24
Directed by Steno
Genres Comedy
Actors Alberto Sordi, Maria-Pia Casilio, Giulio Calì, Anita Durante, Vincenzo Talarico, Carlo Mazzarella
Roles Fashion shop assistant
Rating69% 3.4619853.4619853.4619853.4619853.461985
Italy in the Fifties. The image of grandeur and opulence, brought by the arrival of American troops in 1944, still has its effect on many young Italians. One of them is Ferdinand "Nando" Mericoni (Alberto Sordi), a connoisseur of the American world as represented in American cinema of which he is fervent devotee. Believing his future lies beyond the Atlantic, Nando moves to Rome, americanizing his life by imitating the sounds of American language and trying to recreate a Hollywood setting in his room, in his antics which leave a trail of victims, especially his now desperate parents, and his girlfriend Elvira (Maria Pia Casilio), who, probably allured by his manner, loves him despite everything.
They Stole a Tram, 1h27
Directed by Sergio Leone, Aldo Fabrizi, Mario Bonnard
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Aldo Fabrizi, Carlo Campanini, Juan de Landa, Sergio Leone, Zoe Incrocci, Bruno Corelli
Roles pretore
Rating67% 3.363813.363813.363813.363813.36381
Le conducteur de tramway Cesare Mancini, Romain transféré à Bologne depuis vingt ans, est un très bon homme avec un vilain défaut: il ne sait pas toujours rentrer sa colère. Au travail, il doit subir sans cesse les reproches de son contrôleur Rossi ; dans ses moments de loisir, il aime jouer à la pétanque avec ses collègues (lui et son ami Bernasconi, le receveur, sont imbattables, avec le résultat d’énerver encore plus Rossi qui est beaucoup moins doué); en famille, il doit faire face à une épouse affectueuse mais mauvaise cuisinière, à une fille impatiente de se marier, à un fils espiègle et à une belle-mère acariâtre qui ne perd pas l’occasion de souligner ses erreurs. Les membres de la famille de Cesare ont même l’habitude de s’exprimer en patois bolonais, sans qu’il arrive à comprendre un mot malgré les vingt ans passés dans la ville émilienne.
An American in Rome, 1h34
Directed by Steno
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Alberto Sordi, Maria-Pia Casilio, Giulio Calì, Ursula Andress, Anita Durante, Galeazzo Benti
Roles Fashion shop assistant
Rating69% 3.4619853.4619853.4619853.4619853.461985
Le film se déroule à Rome après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Fernando « Nando » Mericoni (Alberto Sordi) a un penchant pour tout ce qui vient des États-Unis, les films (son grand héros est John Wayne), le sport (il porte une casquette aux insignes de Joe Di Maggio), la nourriture (ketchup, pop-corn, chewing-gum) et la langue. Il prétend connaître l'anglais, mais ne parle qu'un vulgaire charabia. Il installe un refroidisseur d'eau dans sa chambre, comme il l'a vu à l'ambassade américaine. Toute sa vie est une parodie risible de la vie américaine. Le but ultime de Nando est d'aller en Amérique. Inspiré par le film de Henry Hathaway, Quatorze heures (1951 ) , il monte sur le plus haut mur du Colisée devant une foule des spectateurs, menaçant de sauter si son visa ne lui est pas accordé par l'ambassade des États-Unis.
L'incantevole nemica, 1h30
Directed by Claudio Gora
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Buster Keaton, Silvana Pampanini, Robert Lamoureux, Carlo Campanini, Ugo Tognazzi, Pina Renzi
Roles Dominique
Rating59% 2.984422.984422.984422.984422.98442
Italie, début des années 1950. M.Albertini (Carlo Campanini), propriétaire et directeur de la Fromagerie Albertini, vit dans la crainte exagérée d'une révolution communiste. Son personnel s'est mis en grève pour exiger la réintégration de deux ouvriers lincenciés, il est persuadé qu'ils veulent sa ruine. Il s'imagine que son comptable, Roberto (Robert Lamoureux), nouvellement arrivé en ville, est un dangereux agitateur. M. Albertini le suit pour connaître son domicile et constate avec effroi qu'il loge dans les locaux du Parti communiste italien et est convaincu que son comptable est un agent soviétique infiltré. Apprenant les soupçons de son père, Silvia Albertini (Silvana Pampanini), lassée de ses fades soupirants, se prend soudain d'intérêt pour Roberto, qu'elle croit être un mystérieux et dangereux aventurier révolutionnaire et veut l'épouser. D'abord outré par ce projet, Albertini y voit l'avantage de contrôler un agitateur secret en le prenant pour gendre, et l'invite à dîner.
Ergastolo (1952)
, 1h30
Directed by Luigi Capuano
Genres Drama
Themes Prison films
Actors Franco Interlenghi, Sandro Ruffini, Marisa Merlini, Leda Gloria, Leopoldo Valentini, Tina Pica
Roles Gianluigi
Rating56% 2.8386152.8386152.8386152.8386152.838615
Rosa Lulli, has an illegitimate 20-year-old son, named Stefano, who lives with her in the house of Professor Arlotta. Stefano is in love with Lydia, the granddaughter of the professor. The couple has a gambling addiction: the need to obtain a large sum to meet gambling debts, which pushes him to accept the loving invitation of Jeannette, owner of a dance school, where Stefano goes to play. But Jeannette is the lover of Pasquale Anitra, head of a criminal gang. When he is killed in Jeannette's home, Stefano is framed and arrested and tried for the murder. Stefano is sentenced to life in prison. Lydia, attending dance school, later hears a conversation in which Jeannette confesses to the murder. She tells the police, but is kidnapped by the criminal gang. During the chase, Jeannette is wounded and before dying, confesses to the authorities. Stefano is freed and marries Lydia.
Totó in color, 1h35
Directed by Steno
Genres Comedy
Actors Totò, Isa Barzizza, Franca Valeri, Virgilio Riento, Luigi Pavese, Galeazzo Benti
Roles Joe Pellechia
Rating71% 3.551033.551033.551033.551033.55103
Antonio Scannagatti is a failed musician who seeks fortune of Naples in Italy. No one understands the talent of Anthony, considered by all to be deluded that should do well to work hard if he wants to earn a living. But Antonio does not give up and sends a letter to a company of entrepreneurs important in Milan to be known throughout Italy. Meanwhile, Antonio waiting for a reply from Milan, it combines all the colors, because that undermines the daughter of a corrupt warlord of Naples and ends up accidentally in a circle of homosexual artists...