Aanchal is a Hindi blockbuster released in 1980 directed by Anil Ganguly, and starring Rajesh Khanna, Raakhee, Rekha as the protagonist and supported by Prem Chopra and Amol Palekar. This story basically revolves around divine relationship shared by Rajesh Khanna with Raakhee. Music is by R D Burman. Songs are sung by Kishore Kumar, Lata Mangehkar and Asha Bhonsle.Synopsis
The story of an Indian woman, as pure as Sita, who is tested by a series of family events and problems. The story revolves around the relationship between Shambu (Rajesh) and his sister-in-law Shanti (Raakhee). People in the village start speculating whether Shambu is romantically involved with Shanti, and even Kishan starts doubting his brother's intentions. Tulsi who loves Shambu, too, starts thinking bad about Shambu.