Android Apocalypse (also known as Facing Extinction) is a 2006 science fiction film starring Scott Bairstow and Joseph Lawrence. The film was written by Karl Schiffman and directed by Paul Ziller for Sci Fi Channel as a television film. It is set on a post-apocalyptic Earth that is ruled by androids, and explores the relationship between a human, Jute (Bairstow), and an android, DeeCee (Lawrence) who is beginning to develop emotions.Synopsis
On an android-controlled, post-apocalyptic Earth a human man named Jute (Bairstow) is convicted of murdering an android. Deecee (Lawrence) is an android who is beginning to develop human emotion, and is being transported to an android-run prison facility along with Jute. While in transit, their police vehicle is attacked. Jute and Deecee escape and are forced into a strained alliance in order to survive in the harsh deserts of the world. As these two characters flee android authorities they stumble upon a genocidal plot being orchestrated by the leader of the androids, who hopes to rid the planet of human life forever.