Arn – The Knight Templar (Swedish: Arn - Tempelriddaren) is a 2007 epic film based on Jan Guillou's trilogy about the fictional Swedish Knight Templar Arn Magnusson. The film was released in December 2007 and the sequel, Arn – The Kingdom at Road's End (Arn – Riket vid vägens slut), was released August 22, 2008, but both films were combined into a single cut for the English release on DVD in 2010. While the film is mostly in Swedish and most of the production was made in Sweden, the film is a joint production between Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Germany. With a total budget of around SEK 210 million (ca. US $30 million) for both films, it is the most expensive production in Swedish cinema.Synopsis
À la suite d'un accident alors qu'il est encore un jeune enfant, Arn est grièvement blessé. Alors qu'il guérit, sa famille, ayant prié Dieu si fort, estime qu'il est de leur devoir de confier Arn aux moines. Il sera élevé dans une foi profonde, tandis qu'un moine, le frère Guilbert, un ancien templier, lui enseigne l'honneur et le maniement des armes. Très vite le jeune Arn développe des talents insoupçonnés, devenant un homme de grande valeur, tant morale que physique.