Beethoven's 4th is the third sequel to the 1992 film, Beethoven and is the fourth installment in the Beethoven film series. It was released on December 4, 2001. It is the last film to feature Judge Reinhold as Richard Newton. Julia Sweeney as Beth Newton. Joe Pichler as Brennan Newton. and Michaela Gallo as Sara NewtonSynopsis
The movie starts with a dad checking on his two kids before school. Their family includes a girl, boy, artist father, and campaigning mother, and a dog named Beethoven, who they are keeping for a relative family. The children love Beethoven, but their parents don't, and want to get rid of him. So the children begin taking the dog to Obedience Training led by a former army sergeant. Brennan falls in love with a girl (Hayley), while Beethoven literally destroys the obstacle course in one day. To top it all off Beethoven hits the army sergeant in the crotch with a leash causing him to kneel over in pain.