Abominable is a 2006 horror film, directed and written by Ryan Schifrin. The film stars Matt McCoy, Jeffrey Combs, Lance Henriksen, Rex Linn, Dee Wallace, Phil Morris, Paul Gleason and Haley Joel. Despite the title, the antagonist of the film is the cryptid Bigfoot. The film premiered on April 10, 2006 in New York City. The music is scored by Lalo Schifrin.Synopsis
The film begins with a farmer named Billy Hoss (Rex Linn) and his wife Ethel waking up in the middle of the night to unusual noises. They and their dog Sparky go outside to investigate, where they find a horse lying dead, violently ripped open. Their dog runs into the dark, and is attacked (and presumably killed off-screen), causing Billy and Ethel to run back in the house where they see a mysterious giant figure behind their home. Once the creature is gone, they come out again and find large footprints on the ground.