Behind the Mask is a Sandpiper Productions 1992 film, released by Intercontinental Releasing Corporation (IRC) in 1992 and by Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer in 1998. The production utilized a new emerging 3-D film technology for television at the time of its filming. The film was written and directed by Warren Chaney. Beverly Wilson was the executive producer, Warren Chaney, the producer and David Sanders, the associate producer. It starred Roy Alan Wilson, Deborah Winters, Steve Word and Luis Lemus. The motion picture was originally released in separate chapters with each chapter attached to a film. Following its theatrical run, it was released to television as a broadcast miniseries. This represented the first movie serial produced since 1965. After acquisition by Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer, the film was reedited into a film and re-released. In 1998, it was released to home video on laser disc.
Behind the Mask is considered by some film historians to be historic in that the serial genre was updated by following a 1940s and 1950s serial format while using a new 3-D television technology. Reviews were favorable upon release and it has since developed somewhat of a cult following.Synopsis
Behind the Mask is an action-adventure thriller film, first released in six separate chapters and later as a film. The film's adversary, an unidentified masked entity known only as The Octopus, terrorizes a large American city. He engages in industrial espionage and terror in order to secure valuable technological secrets that will lead to America’s decline as a world power. The Octopus is on the verge of success when another unknown figure appears. The Mask, as he becomes known, thwarts the Octopus and his organized crime syndicate in the villain’s one failed attempt after another.