Bill Owens and the Secret of the Runes is a 2010 fantasy film, a sequel to The Mystical Adventures of Billy Owens. The low-budget film was produced as a mockbuster, capitalizing on the success of Harry Potter film series The film follows the adventures of Billy Owens and his friends Mandy and Devin, as they attempt to save the town of Spirit River from the curse of the Norse God Loki.Synopsis
Billy, joined by his friends Mandy, Devin and Danny, continue their adventure from the previous movie in the series. With the help of their magical professor, Mr. Thurgood, the children are still learning about their new powers. When the carnival comes to town, we learn that Professor Mould has used the children to trap the soul of Mr. Thurgood in a magical amulet. As the legend goes, inserting the amulet into the scepter will result in the unlocking of the magical powers of the scepter, and release the treasure of the god Loki.