BoyTown is a 2006 Australian comedy film, directed by Kevin Carlin and starring an ensemble cast of prominent Australian comedians, including Glenn Robbins, Mick Molloy, Bob Franklin, Wayne Hope and Gary Eck. It was filmed in Melbourne, Victoria.
An official preview showing of the film was held in Sydney on 16 October 2006. BoyTown was released in Australia on 19 October 2006. It grossed A$3,1 million in its home country.
^ Australian films at the local box office in 2006Synopsis
BoyTown, the greatest boyband of the eighties and the group that started the boyband phenomenon leave their terrible & bad-paying lives for one last crack at the big time. They return to the stage with slightly older fans and slightly larger pants to complete some unfinished business. These days they spend less time singing about tears, eternity, angels and their 'baby' and more time singing about divorce, shopping and picking up the kids from school & working the nearby Coles, construction site or the nearest radio station in Melbourne (with dinner).