Chikkejamanru is a 1992 Kannada drama film directed by Om Sai Prakash. The cast includes V. Ravichandran, Gouthami, Jai Jagadish and Mukhyamantri Chandru among others. The film is a remake of Tamil film Chinna Gounder directed by R. V. Udayakumar and starring Vijayakanth and Sukanya. The film was also remade in Telugu as Chinarayudu starring Venkatesh and Vijayashanti.
The film featured original score and soundtrack composed and written by Hamsalekha and was produced by Anam Gopalkrishna Reddy for Sri Venkatakrishna Films banner.
Cheluva and Raja, two twin brothers, are separated in their childhood by Raghuram, a well-known criminal. Cheluva is left on the streets by Raghuram and becomes a small-time criminal. Raja brought up under his parents guidance is a well-known engineer. After several years, Cheluva has come face to face with his family. The rest of the film deals with the confusions the family face due to the lookalikes of Cheluva and Raja.