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Choice of Purpose is a film of genre Drama directed by Igor Talankine with Serge Bondartchouk

Choice of Purpose (1975)

Choice of Purpose
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Length 2h38
Directed by
Genres Drama,    Historical
Rating66% 3.304613.304613.304613.304613.30461

Take Aim (Russian: Выбор цели; Vybor Tzeli) is a 1974 two-part Soviet film directed by Igor Talankin.


The film depicts the nuclear arms race that took place between all sides in the Second World War and the beginning of the Cold War. The first part centers on the war years, dealing with the Manhattan Project and the American effort to beat the Germans to the bomb, as well as with Stalin's decision that the USSR must have its own atomic project. The second part displays the Soviet post-war nuclear program. The plot deals mainly with the personal dilemmas facing all the scientists who worked on the atomic weapons.


Trailer of Choice of Purpose

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