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Crimson Dynasty is a french film of genre Drama directed by Maurice Tourneur with Elissa Landi

Crimson Dynasty (1935)

Crimson Dynasty
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Length 1h55
Directed by
Genres Drama,    Historical
Rating60% 3.0018953.0018953.0018953.0018953.001895

Koenigsmark is a 1935 British-French drama film directed by Maurice Tourneur and starring Elissa Landi, John Lodge and Pierre Fresnay.

The film is based on the novel Koenigsmark by Pierre Benoît. It's sets were designed by the art director Lucien Aguettand. The film was known in the United States as Crimson Dynasty.


Vignerte, précepteur à la cour d'une principauté germanique, tombe amoureux de la princesse Aurore, dont le premier mari est mort dans des circonstances mystérieuses. Vignerte soupçonne le frère du défunt.


Elissa Landi

(Princess Aurore)
John Lodge

(Grand Duke Frederick)
Pierre Fresnay

(Raoul Vignerte)
Frank Vosper

(Maj. Baron de Boise)
Antonin Artaud

(Cyrus Back)
Trailer of Crimson Dynasty

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