Daybreakers is a 2009 science-fiction horror film written and directed by Australian filmmakers Michael and Peter Spierig. The film takes place in a futuristic world overrun by vampires. A vampiric corporation sets out to capture and farm the remaining humans while researching a blood substitute. Lead vampire hematologist Edward Dalton's (Ethan Hawke) work is interrupted by human survivors led by former vampire "Elvis" (Willem Dafoe), who has a cure that can save the human species.
Daybreakers premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival and was released in the United Kingdom on 6 January 2010 and in North America on 8 January 2010. The film grossed over $US50 million and received positive critical reception.Synopsis
In 2009, a plague caused by an infected vampire bat has transformed most of the world's population into vampires and due to this event, control of the world no longer belongs to humans. The vampires are incapable of aging or dying, but are unprotected against sunlight or any ultraviolet light. The entire vampire world is active at night, and various technological and architecture advances are made to adjust the populated areas to vampires' night cycle (such as UV protective cars, underground railways and paths across the cities, and UV warnings).