Death Walks is an upcoming zero budget horror film directed by Spencer Hawken. The film stars Jessie Williams, Lucinda Rhodes-Flaherty, and Francesca Ciardi and will center on a group of people trying to survive inside a shopping center that is under attack by the dead. Death Walks is Ciardi's first horror film since her role as Faye Daniels in the 1980 film Cannibal Holocaust and her first film role in over 20 years, her last film being 1991's Safari.Synopsis
In an East London shopping center, a group of people are warned by a strange Italian woman (Francesca Ciardi) that they are all going to die. Her warnings prove to be all too real, as the shopping center is then attacked by zombies fueled by an evil supernatural power. The 25 people remaining in the shopping center must band together to survive the night. This is made more difficult by the rising tensions as well as due to the fact that the surrounding town is oblivious of their torment due to a street party.