Deep Web is a 2015 documentary film directed by Alex Winter, chronicling events surrounding Silk Road, bitcoin and politics of the Dark Web.
Covering the trial of Ross Ulbricht, the documentary features interviews with Wired writer Andy Greenberg and developer Amir Taaki. Winter is best known on screen for playing Bill from the Bill & Ted film series; Deep Web features narration from his former co-star and bitcoin enthusiast Keanu Reeves. The film premiered at the 2015 South By Southwest film festival, and aired on May 31, 2015, on the Epix network.Synopsis
Un film documentaire qui explore l’émergence d’une nouvelle version d’Internet, décentralisée, cryptée, dangereux et au-delà de la loi. en jetant un regard sur le côté trouble du cyberespace s'intéresse à l'arrestation et au procès du créateur présumé du marché noir en ligne Silk Road...