Desam is a 2002 Malayalam film directed by Biju V. Nair and written by Sunil Raveendran. It stars Premkumar, Madhupal, Anitha and Bharath Gopi in major roles.Synopsis
The film tells the story of two brothers Jayakrishnan and Vijayakrishnan, who quarrel over trivial matters like football matches, activities of local clubs etc. Vijayakrishnan works in the town and so once he takes Jayakrishnan with him lest he should create certain problems at home. Earlier Vijayakrishnan had saved and given shelter to a girl Ammu. But that leads to problems. When the villainous Uppa comes in search of Ammu, things take a new turn and Vijayakrishnan is even killed. Jayakrishnan's love for his brother makes him begin from where his brother had ended.