Dong () is a 2006 documentary film by Chinese director, Jia Zhangke. It is the companion piece to Jia's Still Life, which was released concurrently although Dong was reputedly conceived of first. The film, which runs a relatively short 66 minutes, follows the artist and actor Liu Xiaodong as he invites Jia to film him while he paints a group of laborers near the Three Gorges Dam (also the subject of Still Life) and later a group of women in Bangkok. The film was produced and distributed by Jia's own production company, Xstream Pictures, based out of Hong Kong and Beijing.
Dong was screened at the 2006 Venice International Film Festival as part of its "Horizons" Program, and as part of the 2006 Toronto International Film Festival's "Real-to-Reel" Program.
Dong was filmed in HD digital video.Synopsis
Jia Zhang Ke suit le travail du peintre chinois Liu Xiaodong à travers deux œuvres de l'artiste : la première se fait au village de Fengjie, bientôt englouti par les eaux à la suite de la construction du barrage des Trois-Gorges. Liu Xiadong y peint les ouvriers au travail et dans la détente. La deuxième met en scènes des jeunes femmes de Bangkok, belles et sensuelles.