Double Deal is a 1983 Australian film about a bored wife of a rich man who has an affair and becomes a thief.
Angela Punch McGregor later said she was "amazed" to be offered the role of a model but accepted the part because she had not worked for a while.
I feared that if I didn't do it I would go down the plug hole The role was a mistake; the film was a mistake. But I didn't know that at the time. Brian Kavanagh turned out to be one of the most sensitive directors to actors that I have ever come across, but I don't think he should write his own scripts.
The film was made without government investment.Synopsis
En Australie, Christine, mannequin trentenaire, se morfond auprès de son mari Peter, sexagénaire et richissime homme d'affaires. Tout change pour elle avec l'irruption dans sa vie d'un mystérieux et sensuel jeune homme qui, un jour, l'aborde au volant de la Rolls qu'il vient de voler : Christine tombe dans les bras du bel inconnu. Avant de s'enfuir ensemble, ils mettent à sac la maison de Christine. Puis, déguisés en clowns, ils dévalisent un bureau de poste. Mais Peter n'est peut-être pas étranger à cette échappée de sa femme à la Bonnie and Clyde…