Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a 40-minute horror film of 1920, directed and written by J. Charles Haydon. It is the third adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's novel Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde to be released in 1920. (The first 1920 adaptation is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde starring John Barrymore and the second Der Januskopf, directed by F. W. Murnau). The Haydon version is somewhat overshadowed by the version starring Barrymore which was released by Paramount Pictures the same year.Synopsis
At the first transformation starts with Jekyll's butler exclaiming that Jekyll is now "the Apostle from Hell!" Hyde, complete with fangs and scraggy hair, skulks through the city committing such heinous acts as stealing a woman's purse. The police eventually catch up with Hyde, interrogate him, put him in gaol and strap him to the electric chair. Sitting in his chair at home, Jekyll awakes from his nightmare to declare, "I believe in God! I have a soul..." and decides not to create the chemical potion.