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Fifa e arena is a italien film of genre Comedy directed by Mario Mattoli with Totò

Fifa e arena (1948)

Fifa e arena
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Length 1h20
Directed by
Genres Comedy
Rating64% 3.2066553.2066553.2066553.2066553.206655

Fifa e arena is a 1948 Italian comedy film directed by Mario Mattoli and starring Totò.


Nicolino is a kitchen boy who works in a small pharmacy in the country, run by a woman unbearably rude. So Nicolino really wants to leave his job, when he discovers that you are looking for a murderess with the same face to his. Nicolino so disguises himself as a woman and flees with the first plane is: leave for Sevilla. In Spain Nicolino is always found involved in misunderstandings and terrible mess because it is always considered a murderess until he runs into some people who mistake him for a famous bullfighter ready for his next battle against the bull to be held in bullfight in a few rounds. Nicolino in spite of being trained and prepared for the race and also falls in love with the beautiful Patricia, who encourages him to fight. Nicolino is wittily nicknamed "Nicolete" and is faced with the bull but it breaks down. In the hospital Nicolete prove their identity and will marry Patricia.


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