High Strung is a 1991 American independent comedy film directed by Roger Nygard, created by Film Brigade International and produced by Vladimir Horunzhy and Sergei Zholobetsky. It stars Steve Oedekerk -who also wrote the script with Robert Kuhn- as Thane Furrows, an uptight children's author who rarely leaves his house, eats only cereal, and is irritated by everything around him. It also stars Thomas F. Wilson, Fred Willard, Denise Crosby and Jim Carrey, and also contains a short cameo appearance by a young Kirsten Dunst.
Despite the lack of a release on DVD, High Strung has developed and maintained a strong cult fan base. It was Jim Carrey's 13th film role.Synopsis
The film centers around Thane Furrows, who spends the day messing around his apartment and complaining about a number of random subjects like (among other things) flies, popsicles, junk mail, his boss' wife, his upstairs neighbor, smoking, salesmen, and philosophizes on a number of things such as the morality of eating humans and the sensibility of keeping pets.