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Homer Comes Home is a american film of genre Drama directed by Jerome Storm released in USA on 27 june 1920 with Charles Ray

Homer Comes Home (1920)

Homer Comes Home
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Released in USA 27 june 1920
Length 50minutes
Directed by
Genres Drama,    Comedy

Homer Comes Home is a 1920 American silent comedy film directed by Jerome Storm and written by Alexander Hull and Agnes Christine Johnston. The film stars Charles Ray, Otto Hoffman, Priscilla Bonner, Ralph McCullough, Walter Higby, John Elliott, and Harry Hyde. The film was released on June 27, 1920, by Paramount Pictures. A copy of the film exists in a collection or archive.


Charles Ray

(Homer Cavender)
Otto Hoffman

(Silas Prouty)
Priscilla Bonner

(Rachel Prouty)
John Elliott

(Mr. Bailly)
Gus Leonard

(The Grocer)
Trailer of Homer Comes Home

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