House of Horrors (also known as Murder Mansion, The Sinister Shadow and Joan Medford is Missing) is a 1946 American horror film released by Universal Pictures, starring Rondo Hatton as a madman named "The Creeper." It was filmed in September 1945.
An entire series of Creeper movies had been planned, with this being the first, and The Brute Man (1946) being the second. However, the sudden death of the main star, Rondo Hatton, prevented any future pictures from being made. Hatton died of complications from acromegaly before either film was released; it is not known how many films were planned.Synopsis
Struggling sculptor, Marcel De Lange (Martin Kosleck) is depressed about the events going on in his life, and decides to commit suicide. But just as he's about to kill himself, he spots and saves a madman, named "The Creeper" (Rondo Hatton) from drowning. Shortly afterward, he takes the disfigured man into his care. Marcel also makes the Creeper the subject of his next sculpture and calls it his best creation. But as the reviews begin to break Marcel's last nerve, he has the Creeper start killing the critics.