In the Spider's Web is a 2007 American made-for-television natural horror film produced by RHI Entertainment and directed by Terry Winsor. It aired on various video on demand channels, before officially premiering in the United States on the Syfy on August 26, 2007. It is the 2nd film in the Maneater Series, a set of horror films produced in partnership with Syfy.Synopsis
In India, American backpacker friends Gina, John, Stacy, Geraldine and Phil hike in the woods with their guide Brian. When Geraldine is bitten by a venomous spider, the group decides to seek an American doctor who lives with a tribe in the jungle. Dr. Lecorpus treats the girl and while Gina, John and Phil return to the village in the civilization, Brian and Stacy stay with the natives. They decide to visit a temple in the forest while waiting for Stacey to recover; however, they find that Dr. Lecorpus is hiding a dark secret.