Jackboots on Whitehall is a 2010 British model puppet adult animated satirical action comedy war adventure film and World War II spoof portraying an alternate history of the Second World War, in which Nazi Germany has seized London, causing the British to band together at Hadrian's Wall if they are to thwart the German invasion. This is the first film of its kind to feature animatronic puppets and the voices of well-known British actors including Ewan McGregor, Rosamund Pike, Richard E. Grant, Timothy Spall, Richard O'Brien, and Richard Griffiths. The film was executive produced by Frank Mannion. The film was theatrically released in the United Kingdom on 8 October 2010 by Vertigo Films. The film received mixed to negative reviews from critics and it earned $20,776 on a $6 million budget.Synopsis
In 1940, Nazi Germany invades Great Britain by drilling under the English Channel and up through the cobblestones on Whitehall. In London, from his bunker under Downing Street, Prime Minister Winston Churchill issues a call to arms for all of Britain to band together to resist the invaders. In a small village, Chris, a young farm worker rallies the residents to fight back. Joining forces with Churchill's small group of soldiers, the resistance movement retreats to Hadrian's Wall where the unlikely saviours of the country come from the Scottish highlands.