John Apparao 40 Plus is a Telugu movie, starring Krishna Bhagavan and Simran. The film is produced and directed by Kuchipudi Venkat under the Black and Eight banner. Comedian Krishna Bhagavan plays the lead role in this film. The film released on March 20, 2008 throughout the world with 70 prints.Synopsis
Appa Rao (Krishna Bhagavan) is a career-oriented fashion designer who is in his 40s. He is still a bachelor due to lack of opportunities and career orientation. That is when a posh lady, Pravallika (Simran), approaches him and makes him fall in love with her. She offers him a new career and great business in the UK. Meantime, it is revealed that there is a dreaded ISI agent called John Alias Mastan (Krishna Bhagavan) who looks just like Appa Rao. The rest of the story is all about what happens to Appa Rao when his look-alike John spots him.