Kadachit is a Marathi movie released on 25 October 2008. Produced by Ashwini Bhave and directed by Chandrakant Kulkarni. The movie deals with the conflict between truth and lies and its alarming impact on emotional entanglement resulting in psychological disorders. The movie has been written by Girish Joshi.Synopsis
A distinguished neurosurgeon, Dr. Gayatri Pradhan, is happily settled in Pune along with her husband Dr. Shekhar Pradhan, an anesthetist, and their only daughter Piyu. A blissful and contented woman, Dr. Gayatri has managed to effectively fit into the roles of a flourishing medical professional, an ideal wife and a caring mother with unconditional love and support of her family. However, the harmonious tranquility in their lives is abruptly blemished with the arrival of an unwanted stranger.