The story revolves around five people. Kamal Haasan, a city bred is married to Sumithra, a village girl. On the other hand Vijayakumar, a village lad and Phataphat Jayalakshmi, a modern woman are married. Jayalakshmi hates living with her husband (Vijayakumar) and eyes Kamal Haasan. Meanwhile Sripriya, a young girl wants at least to have a child with Kamal Haasan, attracted by him even if he doesn't marry her. As the title suggests, the film ends with Kamal Haasan overcoming all these issues and ends living with Sumithra.
Directed byThoppil Bhasi GenresDrama ActorsKamal Haasan, Lakshmi Narayan, M. G. Soman, Adoor Bhasi, Sankaradi, Bahadoor Rating28% The film is based on the lifestyle of Adivasis of Attappady at Malleswaram Hills. Slash and burn cultivation practised by the Adivasis suddenly stopped by the Government forcing them to search for new jobs. The hero changes his hair style to suit the times. The courtship dance and traditional songs were depicted in a realistic way.
Directed byK. S. Sethumadhavan GenresDrama ActorsBalan K. Nair, Menaka G, Sankaradi, Kaviyoor Ponnnamma, Jose Prakash, Aranmula Ponnamma Rating70% The film revolves around Malu (Menaka), her younger brother Appu (Aravind) and Malu's husband Govindan (Balan K. Nair). Malu and 6-year old Appu were living together. When Malu is married to Govindan, an ex-military officer, she takes Appu with her to Govindan's house. Govindan is a bit annoyed, but adjusts to the situation to win over his wife, who is much younger to him. Appu on the other hand becomes jealous of Govindan and worries he will isolate him from his dear sister. He attacks Govindan during honeymoon and Malu scolds him. The boy runs away from the house and Malu becomes distressed. Towards the end it is revealed that Appu is actually the son of Malu. When Govindan discovers the truth, he tirelessly searches for the boy and brings him back.