McBain is a 1991 action film written and directed by James Glickenhaus. It is about an ex-soldier who reunites his old army buddies in order to get revenge on a Colombian dictator who killed his old friend, a freedom fighter. McBain starred Christopher Walken, Michael Ironside and María Conchita Alonso. Luis Guzmán also appears as a drug dealer named "Papo".
The film was not very successful, taking in less than $500,000 at the United States box office.Synopsis
Roberto Santos cherche à renverser le régime dictatorial qui oppresse la Colombie mais sa rébellion échoue et il est tué. Christina, sa sœur, part alors trouver Robert McBain, ancien frère d'armes de Santos durant la guerre du Viêt Nam, pour lui demander de venger son frère. McBain accepte et réunit quelques vétérans pour organiser une nouvelle révolte.