Munnar is a 2009 Tamil thriller film directed by K. Thambi Durai. The film features Ranjith, Prem and K. Thambi Durai in lead roles. The film had musical score by Devendran and was released on 2 October 2009.
^ "IndiaGlitz — Events - 'Munnar' Movie Launch". 2008-05-26. Retrieved 2012-12-09.
^ "Suspense skewed". Retrieved 2012-12-09.Synopsis
Vaithyaraman (R. Sundarrajan) researches his brother Chandra Mouli (K. Thambi Durai), missed during his honeymoon, and Sandhya (Rithima), Chandra Mouli's wife, became mentally ill. Karthikeyan (Ranjith), a CBI officer, takes charge of the case.