Perariyathavar (English: Names Unknown) is a 2015 Indian Malayalam film directed by Dr. Biju. The film revolves around two sweepers and the problems they encounter in life, depicting the agonies of the marginalised section of society. The film features Suraj Venjaramoodu and Indrans in the lead roles. It won the National Film Award for Best Film on Environment Conservation/Preservation. Suraj received the National Film Award for Best Actor for his performance.Synopsis
The story revolves around a widowed father and son working as scavengers and the harsh life they face. The duo belongs to a section of society who are marginalized in the mainstream. Father is working as a temporary cleaning sweeper. Chami is his friend and fellow worker who belongs to a tribal community. They collect the garbage from the city streets into a vehicle and dumps at a rural village. Sometimes father takes his son along with him. During the travel in a trash vehicle, father and son sees and experiences the life of many nameless, faceless marginalised people including themselves in the midst of huge buildings and roaring vehicles.