Palaivana Solai is a 1981 Tamil drama film directed by the duo Robert — Rajasekhar. The film features Suhasini Maniratnam, Chandrasekhar, Janagaraj, Rajeev, Kailash Nath and Thyagu in lead roles. The film, produced by R. Vadivel, had musical score by Sankar Ganesh and was released on 17 October 1981. The film was declared blockbuster at the box-office and the film has grown a strong cult film. It was remade in Telugu as Manchu Pallaki, in Malayalam as Ithu Njangalude Katha and it was remade in Tamil in 2009 under the same title.Synopsis
Sekhar (Chandrasekhar), Senthil (Janagaraj), Kumar (Rajeev), Vasu (Kailash Nath) and Siva (Thyagu) are best friends. Kumar is the son of a rich entrepreneur who begs for affection and Sekhar is happy-go-lucky youth. Senthil is a jobless youth who is looking for a job while Siva wants to enter in the cinema field. Vasu is a caring brother who is determined to work hard and get his sisters married.