Phoonk 2 is a Bollywood horror film written and directed by Milind Gadagkar. It is a sequel to Ram Gopal Varma's 2008 film Phoonk and stars Sudeep, Amruta Khanvilkar and Ahsaas Channa. The film was released on 16 April 2010 with about 900 prints worldwide including the digital format. The film despite being low-budget, and much scarier, didn't become as successful as its prequel Phoonk. The film was dubbed in Tamil as Bommai 2 and in Telugu as Aavaham. The script for this movie was loosely based on the book point of impact.Synopsis
On winning a new construction project, Rajiv moves with his family to a new place, one which is both close to the woods as well as the beach. Rajiv's mother has gone to Rishikesh, so he stays there only with his wife, 2 kids and housemaid Laxmi. Rajiv's kids, Raksha and Rohan begin exploring the new place and the surroundings - the lonely beach and then the woods behind the house. They are soon visited by Rajiv's sister Arushi and her husband Ronnie, who have come to spend some time with the family.