Postman Pat: The Movie is a 2014 British-American 3D computer animated children's comedy film based on the television series Postman Pat by John Cunliffe and Ivor Wood. It was directed by Mike Disa, produced by Robert Anich Cole, written by Nicole Dubuc with music by Rupert Gregson-Williams. It was co-produced by Classic Media, RGH Pictures and Timeless Films, The film stars Stephen Mangan, Ronan Keating, David Tennant, Rupert Grint and Jim Broadbent. It was released on 23 May 2014 by Icon Productions and Lionsgate. Reviews were varied; some critics praised the film's direction, humour and voice acting, while others found it too complicated and frightening in comparison to the television series. The film grossed $6,858,548 worldwide.Synopsis
Pat Clifton also known as "Postman Pat" (voiced by Stephen Mangan), is a friendly postman who has been delivering letters in the village of Greendale in the north of England for years. He wants to take his wife, Sara (voiced by Susan Duerden), on a late honeymoon to Italy. He plans to afford it through a bonus from his employer, the Special Delivery Service (SDS), but their new boss, Edwin Carbunkle (voiced by Peter Woodward), has cancelled all bonuses. He plans to make SDS more efficient by replacing its human workers with robots, thinking that being friendly is a waste of time.