Princess Arete (アリーテ姫, Arīte Hime) (also Princess Arite) is a 2001 animated film released by Japanese animation studio Studio 4°C based on Diana Coles's 1983 story The Clever Princess. The film is a non-traditional approach to the standard tales of fairy tale princesses, and it is known in Japan as one of the most successful animated feminist works.Synopsis
Under the rule of her solemn father the King, the young Princess Arete grows up in a lonely tower awaiting a suitor worthy of her. While the suitors accomplish countless treasure-collecting quests for the King, the princess begins to experience an awakening curiosity in the outside world. Sneaking out of the castle several times she begins to recognize that she has been missing out on life while locked away in the isolation of her tower. When her life is disrupted by the arrival of several very enthusiastic suitors, Arete makes up her mind to escape into the wider world however she is caught by the guards and sent before her father.