Remember My Name is a 1978 American thriller film, written and directed by Alan Rudolph and produced by Robert Altman. Geraldine Chaplin stars as a deranged woman, determined to get back her husband, Anthony Perkins.
Rudolph explained what he wanted to achieve; "an update of the classic woman's melodramas of the Bette Davis, Barbara Stanwyck, Joan Crawford era". It had a successful run in Paris before opening in New York.
^ Rosenbaum, Jonathan. Remember My Name. Film Quarterly. Vol. 32, no. 3, Spring, 1979Synopsis
Neil Curry (Perkins) is living a happy life with his second wife Barbara (Berenson) in California after abandoning his first wife, Emily (Chaplin) in New York. Their life of domestic bliss is interrupted when Emily comes back from prison, where she served a 12-year sentence for murdering Neil's former lover. She arrives in California to wreak havoc and also to claim back Neil.