Road 47 (Portuguese: A Estrada 47) is a 2013 drama film written and directed by Vicente Ferraz, based on real events, about Brazil's involvement in World War II. The film stars Daniel de Oliveira, Richard Sammel, Sergio Rubini and Julio Andrade.
The film follows the trajectory of the landmine clearance unit from the Brazilian Expeditionary Force who, after a panic attack, are trying to get tempers and defuse the mined road that separates them from a village monitored by the axis forces.Synopsis
During the World War II, Brazil was an ally of the United States, Britain and France. At the time there were directed over 25 thousand soldiers from the BEF (Brazilian Expeditionary Force) to fight the enemies, represented by the Axis: Germany, Italy and Japan. Almost all soldiers came from poor backgrounds, and were mostly unprepared for combat, they had to learn in practice to fight for survival.