Saguni is a Tamil political satire film directed by Shankar Dayal and produced by S.R.Prabhu. The film features Karthi and Pranitha in the lead roles, while Santhanam, Roja, Prakash Raj, Raadhika Sarathkumar and Nassar appear in supporting roles. The film along with its dubbed Telugu Version Sakuni released on 22 March 2013 to below average reviews.Synopsis
The film starts with the demise of CM (Satyamoorthy), a political plot produced by Boopathi(Prakash Raj), thereby starting the film on serious note. Then, we are introduced to Kamala Kannan (Karthi), who tells his story to the auto driver AppaDurai alias Rajini (Santhanam). AppaDurai assumes that Kamala Kannan is rich and drives him around the city to be profited for him.