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Seventh Heaven is a american film of genre Drama directed by Henry King released in USA on 25 march 1937 with Simone Simon

Seventh Heaven (1937)

Seventh Heaven
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Released in USA 25 march 1937
Length 1h42
Directed by ,    
Genres Drama,    Romance
Rating69% 3.4913253.4913253.4913253.4913253.491325

Seventh Heaven is an American romantic drama film released in 1937 by 20th Century Fox, directed by Henry King, and starring Simone Simon and James Stewart.

The film is a remake of the 1927 silent film of the same name, which featured Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell. Both versions were based on the play Seventh Heaven by Austin Strong.


In a 1914 lower class district of Paris, content sewer worker named Chico (James Stewart) is criticized by his fellow citizens for being an atheist. One day, he witnesses a young woman (Simone Simon) being brutally beaten by her sister (Gale Sondergaard) for not entertaining a senior wealthy man in her sleazy bar. He sympathizes with the girl, Diane, and stops the fight. Later, Father Chevillon (Jean Hersholt), who is worried about Chico's lack of faith, offers him a deal: he will grant him a street washer job if he takes in Diane and opens his mind about believing in God. Chico agrees, and he prevents Diane's sister from turning her in to the police by claiming that she is his wife.


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