Shabri is 2011 Hindi film directed by Lalit Marathe and produced by Ram Gopal Varma. It is about a woman, played by Ishaa Koppikar, who becomes the first female crime lady in Mumbai. The film was completed in 2005 and was showcased as the opening film at International Rome Film Festival, and was also premièred at the New York Asian Film Festival.
The film was officially released worldwide on August 26, 2011.Synopsis
The film starts with accidental death of Kisnya (younger brother of the villain), who insists that Shabri be handed over to Police for the murder of Inspector Khare, which Murad ( a friendly neighbor of Shabri family who is a bookie ) forcefully opposes. Shabri is guilty of murder of a wicked police inspector (Khare) who tried to rape her in police station in front of her younger brother who is already tortured enough by Khare ( the film shows perhaps the most dreadful third-degree sequence ever ! )