Sorority Party Massacre is a 2012 horror film written and directed by Chris W. Freeman, co-directed by Justin Jones and starring Eve Mauro and Ed O'Ross.Synopsis
Every year, Stella Fawnskin selects seven members of Sigma Phi Pi, a sorority with chapters all over the United States, to compete for the Fawnskin Grant. On her way to Stella's ranch, which is in the isolated resort town of Grizzly Cove, grant contender Holly Fanning is killed at a deserted rest area. The next day, Detective William Watts is informed by Holly's father, Captain Dan Fanning, that he is being suspended from the LAPD due to his repeated use of excessive force. When Dan, who is protective of his daughter, mentions that Holly has not yet checked in with him, Will offers to go to Grizzly Cove to keep an eye on her, in exchange for Dan helping him get back on the force.