Stonehearst Asylum, previously known as Eliza Graves, is an American thriller film directed by Brad Anderson and written by Joseph Gangemi, loosely based on the short story "The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether" by Edgar Allan Poe. The film, starring Kate Beckinsale, Jim Sturgess, Michael Caine, Ben Kingsley, and David Thewlis, was released on October 24, 2014.Synopsis
In 1899, an Oxford University professor demonstrates a case of female hysteria, Lady (Eliza) Graves (Kate Beckinsale), before his class. Drugged and protesting that she is sane, the professor points out that all mental patients claim to be sane, much as all criminals claim to be innocent, as he ignores her demands that he not touch her to induce a fit for the students to observe. The professor advises his students to believe nothing they hear and only half of what they see.