Swallows and Amazons is an upcoming British adventure film directed by Philippa Lowthorpe and written by Andrea Gibb, based on the book of same name by Arthur Ransome. The film stars Andrew Scott, Rafe Spall, Kelly Macdonald, Gwendoline Christie, Jessica Hynes and Harry Enfield. Principal photography began on June 21, 2015 in the Lake District.
The film is a remake of a 1973 film of the same name.Synopsis
Les aventures estivales de deux groupes d'enfants (Les Swallows et les Amazons) issus de deux familles différentes. Les bambins décident de joindre leur force contre leur ennemi commun: l'oncle James Turner, rebaptisé Capitaine Flint. Au programme : pêche, camping, exploration et piraterie.