Furimukeba Ai (ふりむけば愛), also titled "Take Me Away!" is a 1979 Japanese film starring Momoe Yamaguchi and Tomokazu Miura and directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi. It is one of a series of idol films starring the "golden combi" (golden combination) of seventies idol film stars, Miura and Yamaguchi. It features the first foreign location and the first sex scene of the couple.Synopsis
A piano tuner on holiday in San Francisco, Kyoko (Yamaguchi), meets Tetsuo (Miura), a Japanese layabout on the run from his debts in Japan. Kyoko tells Tetsuo she is a pianist who has come to San Francisco to kill herself. After enjoying a night in a bar full of exciting people, they become romantically involved, and she admits she was lying. Kyoko starts living in Tetsuo's apartment but then has to leave. She persuades Tetsuo to come back to Japan in September.