Tekken: The Motion Picture (鉄拳 -TEKKEN-) is an anime adaptation of the early Tekken fighting game series by Namco. It was produced by ASCII Corporation and Sony Music Entertainment Japan, and originally released in Japan as a two-episode OVA in 1998. The film's story is loosely based on the first game, where Kazuya is the main character and Heihachi is the Head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, and Tekken 2, which features Jun and Lei's investigation of the Zaibatsu's illegal activities.Synopsis
The film opens with a young girl named Jun Kazama crying over a rabbit killed by a bobcat. Kazuya Mishima, a kind boy around her age, appears and offers to kill the bobcat to cheer Jun Kazama up, but Kazuya's abusive father, Heihachi, suddenly appears and berates Kazuya for his compassion, which he considers a weakness. In order to make Kazuya stronger and prove his worth, Heihachi throws Kazuya off a cliff to his apparent death right in front of Jun's eyes.