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The Black Whale is a Allemand film of genre Drama directed by Fritz Wendhausen with Emil Jannings

The Black Whale (1934)

The Black Whale
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Directed by
Genres Drama

The Black Whale (German:Der schwarze Walfisch) is a 1934 German drama film directed by Fritz Wendhausen and starring Emil Jannings, Angela Salloker and Max Gülstorff. It is based on the 1932 play Fanny by Marcel Pagnol.


The Black Whale (Der Schwarze Walfisch) is the German version of Marcel Pagnol’s master piece Fanny. Peter Petersen's son Martin abandoned his pregnant girlfriend Fanny to chase adventures on the sea. Peter Petersen then married Fanny with his friend Pannies, who adopted and raised the baby as his own. Martin return after several years determined to have Fanny and the child back.


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