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Othello is a Allemand film of genre Drama directed by Dimitri Buchowetzki released in USA on 25 february 1923 with Emil Jannings

Othello (1922)

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Released in USA 25 february 1923
Length 1h19
Genres Drama
Rating63% 3.1972253.1972253.1972253.1972253.197225

Othello is a 1922 German silent historical drama film directed by Dimitri Buchowetzki and starring Emil Jannings, Werner Krauss and Ica von Lenkeffy. It was based on William Shakespeare's play Othello, the first of six major film productions of the work.


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Othello ou le Maure de Venise de William Shakespeare

Otello (1909) Othello (1922) A Double Life (1947) Othello (1951) Othello (1953) Othello (1956) Othello (1965) Othello (1979) Othello (1979) Othello (1981) Othello (1981) Otello (1986) Othello (1990) Othello (1995) Othello (2001)


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