The Complex (クロユリ団地, Kuroyuri danchi) is a 2013 Japanese horror film directed by Hideo Nakata. The film premiered at the Rotterdam Film Festival on January 1, 2013, and was released in Japan on May 18 that same year. A 12 episode drama, titled Kuroyuri Danchi ~Josho~ follows events leading up to those that take place in the film. It began airing in Japan on April 9, 2013.Synopsis
A young nursing student, Asuka Ninomiya (Atsuko Maeda) moves to a dilapidated apartment complex with her father, Isao (Masanobu Katsumura); mother, Sachiko (Naomi Nishida); and younger brother, Satoshi (Ruiki Sato). She tries to greet her elderly next door neighbor, Shinozaki (Masaya Takahashi), with little success, and befriends a local boy named Minoru Kinoshita (Kanau Tanaka), whose only guardian is Shinozaki.