The Dinosaur Project is a 2012 British science fiction thriller adventure film produced by Moonlighting Films and Nick Hill, distributed by StudioCanal, music composed by Richard Blair-Oliphant, written by Jay Basu and Tom Pridham and directed by Sid Bennett. It stars Richard Dillane, Peter Brooke, Matthew Kane, Natasha Loring, Stephen Jennings, Andre Weideman with Abena Ayivor and Sivu Nobongoza. The visual effects for the film were provided by Jellyfish Pictures. The film was released in cinemas in the UK on August 10, 2012 by StudioCanal. The movie has received mixed reviews.Synopsis
A group of explorers from the British Cryptozoological Society go on an expedition into the Congo in search of a cryptid—the so-called Mokele Mbembe—which is believed to be a Plesiosaur. Along with the five explorers are two television cameramen who will be recording the whole expedition. The explorers consist of their leader Jonathan, their medic Liz, their sponsor organizer Charlie, their pilot, and a local guide, named Amara. During the helicopter flight, Johnathan discovers that his son Luke sneaked into the chopper as a stowaway.