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The Last Days of Pompeii is a film of genre Drama directed by Luigi Maggi with Luigi Maggi

The Last Days of Pompeii (1908)

The Last Days of Pompeii
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Directed by ,    
Genres Drama,    Historical
Rating56% 2.820752.820752.820752.820752.82075

The Last Days of Pompeii (Italian:Gli ultimi giorni di Pompeii) is a 1908 Italian silent historical film directed by Arturo Ambrosio and Luigi Maggi and starring Lydia De Roberti and Umberto Mozzato. It was loosely based on the novel of the same title by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. The film was a success on its release, and its popularity is credited with starting a fashion for epic historical films.

The film was made by the Turin-based Ambrosio Film.


Luigi Maggi

Umberto Mozzato

Ernesto Vaser

(Il padrone di Nidia)
Roberto Omegna
Trailer of The Last Days of Pompeii

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